The Impact of City Branding Strategies on the Visibility of the City Identity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Architectural and Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia City, Egypt

2 Architectural Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Taibah University, Almadinah Almunwarah, KSA


In response to the homogenizing effects of globalization and
technological progress, cities worldwide have increasingly embraced city
branding as a strategy to safeguard their unique character, identity, and
essence, thereby transforming themselves into globally recognized brands.
While practicing the city branding strategies some cities ignore its
identity and unique features and just focuse on what the world trend goes to
just apply and achieve profits on any scale .
The research starts with a comprehensive examination of existing
literature in the field then the definitions and history of the identity and place
identity then the city branding strategies literature review, history and
definitions ends with discussing the relation between these two parts.
This research method is descriptive qualitative by exploring the
definitions and dimensions of city branding that meets the city identity
components which in turn affect the city to uniqueness while competing to be
seen and achieve its visual identity locally and globally .


Main Subjects